
Pop Idol creator launches multi-platform TV show

Pop Idol creator launches multi-platform TV show

Social Networks

Simon Fuller, creator of Pop Idol, is launching a new multi-platform reality TV show that encourages viewers to interact in real-time via blogs, social networks and mobile.

If I Can Dream, which follows five contestants as they attempt to make it in Hollywood, airs live 24 hours a day at www.ificandream.com, with a recap show available for viewers on Hulu.com.

The show launches tomorrow and lets a live global online audience interact in-real time through text, blogs, MySpace, twitter and Facebook. Viewers will also be able to introduce new contestants, visitors and other characters.

Fuller’s production company 19 Entertainment said the new show “is tailor-made for a new generation who broadcast all aspects of their lives to the public via their mobile phones, MySpace updates , Facebook updates and their tweets. It’s entertainment for the social networking set – unfiltered and unvarnished”.

Fuller said: “I am determined to continue challenging convention and pushing the boundaries of mainstream entertainment. The next frontier is the video world of authentic real time interaction. If I Can Dream experiments with technology to provide for the first time a complete open door opportunity that allows the viewer to experience reality in a way never before attempted.

“It is time the public got to see the truth behind what it takes to launch the careers of young artists who have a dream that one day on pure merit they can be professional entertainers and gain the recognition they crave. This is the dawning of a new age.”

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