
Trinity Sees Group Advertising Rise In 2005

Trinity Sees Group Advertising Rise In 2005

Newspaper group, Trinity Mirror, has seen group advertising for the first four months of 2005 increase by 2.3%. An increase of 6.5% for January and February was partially offset by a decline of 1.4% for March and April.

Advertising revenues for the company’s regionals division enjoyed a rise of 4.0%, with growth in most categories being offset by a 2.7% drop in recruitment advertising and a 0.8% fall in the Motors department.

Trinity Mirror’s nationals division saw advertising revenues decrease by 2.4%, with a 3.9% decline in the UK nationals, offset by an increase of 2.0% in the group’s Scottish National papers.

Group circulation revenues for the same period increased by 3.1%, with circulation revenues for Trinity Mirror’s regional and national titles rising by 4.8% and 1.6% respectively.

In a statement made to the city this morning, the company was optimistic about the results, saying: “In a difficult marketplace our national titles continue to maintain advertising volume market share.”

Trinity indicated that revenue growth for 2005 is expected to be lower than 2004, due to the impact of tougher comparatives. Whilst trading was shown to be ahead of expectations for the first two months of 2005, the advertising market softened during March and April.

With this in mind the group said: “It is too early to determine the implications of recent trends in advertising revenues partly due to the timing of Easter relative to 2004 and uncertainties created by the General Election.

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