This is a daily digest of news stories from around the media world, updated by The Media Leader team, to ensure you’re 100% up-to-date.
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Rather than focus on what we want connected TV to be, let’s look at what it currently excels at.
First Tube will continue to operate as a standalone company underneath Horizon’s umbrella, with CEO and co-founder Andrew Beranbom staying on.
Amnesty International’s campaign has gone viral following the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.
Interview: Two of TikTok’s leading execs, Stuart Flint and Trevor Johnson, tell The Media Leader what’s next.
Between late 2019 and May 2022, more than 360 newspapers have closed across the US.
The FCC commissioner called TikTok “an unacceptable national security risk” and asked Apple and Google to remove it from their app stores.
Facebook is changing its Feed to become more like TikTok. Is it the right move?
Lerman joined Kepler in 2014 to lead its client solutions group and was promoted to co-president of Kepler US in 2019.
The multitude of similar reports begs the question: do we need this many forecasts? And if so, what is the best way to release them?