The industry is still behind in its measurement capabilities, which means OOH is being underrepresented in advertisers’ media plans.
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Buyers and advertisers need to proactively close the information gap in programmatic advertising so they can take action and improve performance.
It’s important to take a step back every now and then to take stock and celebrate our wins. Despite recent damning reports, there is a lot for digital advertising to shout about.
We need to think bigger than gaming and think ‘gamification’. There are three actions we can take to bring gaming into the marketing mainstream.
Innovations in content-aware encoding are transforming video streaming, explains VisualOn’s strategic consultant.
Havas UK’s chief data and product officer explains what to look for in a viable long-term tracking solution.
If the programmatic market resembles a car boot sale, as the latest ANA study suggests, then a more robust approach by advertisers and a flight to quality of execution should enhance the market’s status.
…but you won’t remember the meeting you missed if for. Holding true to your values is not just for Christmas, it’s for life, writes Nicola Kemp.
The irony of the future of TV is that we’ve now come full circle: we’re once again in a landscape where some content is free and some is paid for, and that’s a good thing.
Between a rise in anti-Semitism on TikTok and X and a pledge for more of the same from News Corp, brands should vote with their feet in pursuit of more positive contexts for their ads.