Each month until the end of the year, this series will guide you through performance planning and budget optimisation.
More Opinion articles
Despite the exodus of many high-profile journalists, the boom in newsletters should be seen as a big opportunity for legacy publishers.
The cautionary tale of Second Sight should remind us what happens when we bet our futures on monopoly industries, writes the editor.
The Open Web is getting smaller, despite what we were told. The smartest advertisers will work out how to use the best parts.
Professor Karen Nelson-Field explains there is more to active attention seconds, with more complex shapes and patterns that impact outcomes.
We will never ‘solve’ attention, or advertising. But we can learn more by acting in the world than by merely observing it.
Exciting things are happening in audio but only one in every £10 spent on radio is digital. Are things about to change, asks the editor.
Weekly shows were the norm until Netflix came along and disrupted the model. But have we now reached peak binge?
Which of the Roys do you identify with at work? Your inner Logan or Shiv could tell you a lot about leadership at work.
The picture is more complex than people simply swapping live, linear TV for on-demand and streaming services. Both offerings can co-exist.