Chief media officer is a big job and somebody has to do it for advertisers, argues Nick Manning.
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‘Good enough’ is not an option over excellence. It’s time to graduate to the next level, writes Prof Karen Nelson-Field.
But now there is light at the end of the tunnel as the streaming service looks to add advertising to its platform.
The path to improvement is clear: focus on in-target groups.
Artificial intelligences are creating unusual ideas – and we need that unique thinking, writes Simon Carr.
Trading media on reach, viewability and view-through metrics has no consideration for advertising clutter, argues Mediahub’s Erfan Djazmi.
Think about the channels and formats which allow targeting the maximum target audience, in relevant context, with as much screen coverage and ear time as possible.
Partner content: Minai Bui addresses four issues around the future of connected TV.
Brands must create inclusive, immersive worlds for their customers to win in the new metaverse marketing paradigm.
Brands and advertisers should think carefully about integrating retail media into plans going forward, argues Johnston.