In the latest of this digital-media planning series, we’re going to fiddle about with another lever to improve performance: the cost per acquisition.
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The implications patterns are striking to both brands and those intending to integrate attention as a key metric of ROI.
Rather than let itself get dragged into the freemium space, Netflix should take a bold and pioneering approach to advertising, writes the editor.
Can attention be both the “North Star to effectiveness” but also “really not how advertising works”, asks MediaCom’s Geoff de Burca.
Don’t be afraid of new metrics just because innovation is uncomfortable or people tell you to wait for the perfect form of attention measurement.
At some point, sustained increased investment in a certain tactic will become inefficient. But how do you ensure budget is being optimised?
When you start to build a currency, you’re not doing it for the short-term. It must be enduring and stand the test of time, warns Professor Karen Nelson-Field.
Chris Rock wasn’t the only one to get a slap in the face last night. Apple just dealt a huge blow in the streaming wars, writes the editor.
Media channels now provide a constant stream of content and give us instant gratification. Brands need a different strategy to stand out.
Agencies are developing relationships directly with SSPs. The rest of the media industry needs to be part of the discussion, too.