In the latest of this digital media planning series, we’re going to examine testing.
More Opinion articles
TV advertising excels at delivering high recall and building brands, so why is ad spend flowing to digital?
The potency and potential of the discipline has been diminished and diluted by malpractice.
Media companies can and should go further to speak out against the Dobbs decision and signal to women that their cries for help are being heard.
As traditional digital advertising becomes more difficult to execute effectively, branded content offers a powerful avenue for brands to reach audiences through trusted publishers.
Journalists are under pressure to write stories that take a clear stance or ‘side’ on a topic. This is making news fatigue worse.
A flying trip to Cannes is even worse for the planet than you think. But our industry can hit net zero with some fundamental changes all year round.
The paper once known as The Thunderer looks weak after pulling a story about yet more Boris Johnson allegations without explanation.
The industry is currently at a critical inflection point.
The first thing all agencies should be saying to their clients is: hold your nerve.