H Bauer Goes Totally TV With New Listings Title

H Bauer is to shake-up the television listings market with the launch of a new weekly magazine entitled The Total TV Guide.
The new title, which launches today, will cater for the 10 million UK households with access to digital TV. It will be supported by a national TV ad campaign and a specially discounted trial price for the first issue.
H Bauer will position the magazine at the premium end of the listings market and will target men and women aged between 25 and 44 who subscribe to multichannel TV.
Julie Lavington, publishing director at H Bauer, said: “Consumers will be totally bowled over by the service offered by The Total TV Guide. Until now existing listings guides have provided at best a limited service for the multichannel user. The Total TV Guide offers a whole new experience and is designed to cater to the individual viewing habits of this huge audience.”
H Bauer estimates that it currently has a 27% share of the TV listings market with titles such as TV Quick and TV Choice. The Total TV Guide will be the first new TV listings title to enter the market since TV Choice was launched in 1999.
The latest ABC results for the six months ending June 2003 brought mixed results for H Bauer, which saw circulation at its TV Quick magazine decline by 10.4% year on year to 394,251. However, the publisher’s TV Choice title rose by 12.3% during the same period to 967,807.
H Bauer: 020 7241 8000 www.bauer.co.uk
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