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European JICs launch Audience Measurement Coalition

European JICs launch Audience Measurement Coalition
Carriou will lead new coalition as president

A number of European joint industry committees (JICs), media owner committees (MOCs) and professional research companies have created a new body aimed at establishing and upholding professional measurement standards.

The Audience Measurement Coalition (AMC), which launched on Tuesday, will serve as a voice to European regulators on policy matters related to audience measurement at both the EU and national level.

Founding members of the AMC are JICs Médiamétrie (France), ARMA (Romanian Association for Audience Measurement) and MMS (Sweden), and research companies Nielsen, Kantar Media and GfK.

The AMC will be headed by Médiamétrie director-general Yannick Carriou as president. He said: “I am committed to establishing it as a key interlocutor for all stakeholders and policymakers in the media and advertising ecosystem.”

The other members are: AGF Videoforschung (Germany), CIM (Belgium), Comscore, Danske Medier Research (Denmark), Finnpanel (Finland), Gemius, Ipsos, Mediapulse AG für Medienforschung (Switzerland), NMO (Netherlands), Norwegian MOC (Norway), TAM Ireland and WEMF (Switzerland).

An ad-hoc version of the coalition was first established in 2017 with similar goals of collaborating to maintain pan-European audience measurement standards.

The AMC’s official formation follows the passing of the European Media Freedom Act, which came into force in May 2024 and will apply new rules from August. The act aims to “boost transparency in audience measurement for media service providers and advertisers” across the continent.

“European regulators have recognised the importance of accurate and unbiased audience measurement provisions in the European Media Freedom Act,” explained Carriou. “Other recently passed regulations also recognise the need and importance of accurate and impartial measurement.”

The state of current industry measurement standards were recently criticised as a “hot mess” by Dentsu Media UK and Ireland CEO Jenny Bullis, who candidly denounced increasingly common attribution models.

Dentsu Media UK chief Jenny Bullis: Measurement is a ‘hot mess’

Stuart Wilkinson, Senior Business Development Director, Kantar Media, on 29 Jan 2025
“The title is half right. The AMC is an association made of JICs and Research Suppliers that provide industry standard Audience Measurement services in the EU. The Board is made of 50% JICs, 50% research suppliers. It’s an important distinction from some other more purely JIC structures that typically look at commercial, technical and operational matters to help in their development.”

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