Our research has found that young news readers are not interested in the same news stories as we in adland are. Advertisers need to remember this if they want to grab their attention.
Heather Dansie
We’ve seen what can happen when fake news, amplified by social media, spreads. Now is the time to fund regulated, trusted journalism.
Most people think there should be an AI Blackout ahead of the UK general election. It is essential that efforts are made to safeguard the quality and accuracy of news reporting.
Consumers are looking for green wins, but they may need convincing.
Brands and media face must acknowledge their place in disposable culture as they seek a new balance for consumption.
With retailers under immense pressure, it is imperative stores can be places to spend quality time, and not just money. So get Instagram ready, writes Heather Dansie.
As people build vast networks of weak relationships, we ultimately come to value our own company more highly. How should brands react?
As the trend season commences, do not forget the most important weapon in your arsenal, writes Heather Dansie.
In a world built on data and information, so-called ‘savvy systems’ help us make smarter decisions more quickly. But brands have a lot to learn first, writes Heather Dansie.