This is a daily digest of news stories from around the media world, updated by The Media Leader team, to ensure you’re 100% up-to-date.
All the latest from Cannes Lions with The Media Leader team on the ground.
UK recovery in 2021 is expected to the be the largest across any major international ad market, according to the latest quarterly Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report.
JICREG True Local reveals for the first time net deduplicated audience data for local newsbrands – showing that digital provides a 98% uplift to monthly print audiences.
Adspend on smartphones has exceeded desktop for the first time and now accounts for 51% of total online spend, according to the latest IAB and PwC figures. Here, industry experts comment on the findings.
After flatlining in the final quarter of 2018, UK marketing budget growth has bounced back to its highest level in a year and a half, according to the latest IPA Bellwether report published today.
Back from Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, our experts share their views on what the tech-fest means for advertisers
RhythmOne, which provides cross-screen advertising with a focus on connected TVs, will be combined with another recent Taptica acquisition, Tremor Video DSP, to create a much enlarged independent business.
Q3 UK adspend for 2018 rose 5.1% year-on-year to reach £5.6bn – the 21st consecutive quarter of growth, according to AA/WARC Expenditure Report data published today. Here, industry bosses share their views on the findings.
The UK has marked its 21st consecutive quarter of market growth with the third quarter of 2018, driven in the main by increasing spend on online advertising.
Dynamic TV leverages first-party data from Channel 4’s 18 million registered viewers and will be able to serve various data-driven creative across big screen devices such as smart TVs, plus mobile and desktop VOD.