Audio needs to do more to educate agencies and advertisers about its effectiveness and innovation, according to a panel at The Future of Audio and Entertainment.
In a frank speech to an audience of media researchers, Bullis warned that attribution is bad and ‘getting worse’, brands should experiment more and the UK industry risks being ‘overly proud’ of audience panels.
In an update on a 2020 piece, Ian Mc Grath looks at ways to improve integrated campaigns as we shift from an “either/or” approach to “and” thinking.
Ahead of the Future of Brands, Audio and Entertainment conference next week covering this issue, The Media Leader asked brands, agencies and strategists if they thought brands should get involved in these debates.
The market is looking brighter, so it’s the wrong time for agencies to be too cautious. But, as always, the ingredients for success are fast-moving.
Dentsu’s Global Ad Spend Forecast expects global advertising to increase by 4.6% to $752.8bn in 2024.
Media talking about ‘creative’ is too narrow in ambition. It’s creativity that will become the most priceless commodity in our industry.
Will Swayne’s appointment is part of a global executive restructure, with further regional changes set to be finalised this week.
More ads in more places could hurt user experiences and advertiser outcomes, new research has found.
Carlsberg, the brewing giant which spends over half a billion pounds on advertising and media annually, has appointed Dentsu’s iProspect as its new global media agency of record.
Attention measurement, weathering the cost-of-living crisis, and increasing closeness between planners and creatives were highlighted as key to driving effectiveness at The Future of Brands.