As David Montgomery gathers industry support for a bid for DMGT’s regional newspaper interests, Northcliffe, is he providing an ideal opportunity to prove to a world of doubters he has always known what he’s doing?
David Hellier
David Hellier, deputy editor at City AM, says there are a few reasons why BT Vision might not suffer the same fate as its predecessors along this well trodden path…
David Hellier, deputy editor at City AM, wonders how bold BT Vision will be following the recent football rights deal when it comes to taking subscribers away from BSkyB and Virgin Media…
David Hellier, deputy editor at City AM, says it is too soon to know where this will all end up but the Facebook experience has re-opened the debate about dot com bubbles and has cast a shadow on New York’s unchallenged right to host technology flotations…
David Hellier, deputy editor at City AM, anticipates a tougher future for BSkyB.
David Hellier, deputy editor at City AM, on last week’s budget announcement; ITV, WPP and Aegis results; the gloomy world of press; and the growing interest in how BSkyB’s new internet offering performs…
NEW: In his first blog for Newsline, David Hellier, deputy editor at City AM, surveys the current financial backdrop and how it is affecting the media landscape from a city perspective…