Taken on its own, data isn’t a silver bullet, writes Genius Digital’s Giles Cottle – it takes a special type of artist to truly make it work
Giles Cottle
Giles Cottle is Customer, Product and Analytics Director at Genius Digital, and is responsible for managing the Genius Digital product portfolio, alongside managing post-sales strategy and analysis support for customers.
Prior to joining Genius Digital, Giles was Head of Strategy at Freesat, an ITV/BBC joint venture company. During his time at Freesat, Giles was responsible for coordinating and shaping the development of the company’s business and finance strategy. Prior to this, he was a Principal Analyst at Informa, leading coverage of OTT, broadband content and connected devices.
Giles is a regular speaker at industry events and is frequently quoted by top-tier media titles. He also previously worked at Initiative, where he helped to found the company’s digital research practice.
He holds a degree in history from the University of Sheffield.
Ahead of MediaTel’s CES Debrief at the end of the month, one of our industry insiders, Freesat’s Giles Cottle, reports back on the upcoming highlights from the Las Vegas gadget fest.