John Carroll, senior director at Ipsos MediaCT and chairman of the Media Research Group (MRG) previews some of the topics that will be hotly debated at this year’s MRG conference.
John Carroll
John Carroll, senior director at Ipsos MORI, reveals key insights about the new Sunday edition of The Sun…
John Carroll, chair MRG, on why the industry needs to change and needs to experiment…
John Carroll, senior director at Ipsos MediaCT, provides a status report on radio’s progress towards a digital Britain…
John Carroll, Senior Director, Ipsos MediaCT, looks more closely at online panels and research ahead of the MRG Conference in November.
Our latest research piece from Ipsos MediaCT asks a select group of UK radio industry leaders how they see the future of radio in a digital Britain …
Our latest research piece from Ipsos MediaCT looks at the future of radio in a digital Britain …