Nnamdi David, head of strategy for Mediahub UK, urges media investment in more diverse voices and UK publishers
Nnamdi David
Nnamdi governs the strategic output of Mediahub UK through a more human approach to media, relying on tools and processes that help surface richer actionable media insights. He joined Mediahub's previous incarnation Profero Performance in 2010 and in these 10 years, Nnamdi has gone from Account Exec to Account Director before making the move over to Strategy in 2016. Whilst he originally joined to start his media education in Digital, Nnamdi has developed into a 'Through the Line' media strategist with an ability to connect media channels seamlessly. His personal development has been stellar, successfully taking part in various IPA certifications, as well as being awarded BIMA Hot 100 in 2016 and 30 under 30 in 2017. Currently as Head of Strategy, his role determines the strategic thinking for Mediahub's key accounts such as Western Union, New Balance, Fuji Film, Twitch and Formula E.