
60% Of UK Now Online

60% Of UK Now Online

60% Of UK Now Online

According to the latest figures from Jupiter, over 33 million people in the UK used the internet between April and June of this year. The home PC remained the most popular means of access but it was games consoles and set top boxes which have seen the greatest increase in usage. WAP phones are not yet a popular means of accessing the net, less than a million people accessed the net in this way during the survey period.

Source: Jupiter MMXI Online Market Landscape, Q2 2001

35 – 49 year olds make up the largest web audience, representing 26% of the UK online population with 50+ and 25-34 year old following with 20% and 18.6% respectively. Over 11 million people are now categorised as ‘heavy users’ meaning that they go online more than three times a week, almost four million are ‘moderate users’ who use the net once or twice per week.

Jupiter MMXI: 020 7563 1600 www.jupitermmxi.com

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