
72% of brand’s CEOs now understand importance of social media

72% of brand’s CEOs now understand importance of social media

Network of usersNew ISBA and Havas Media social research reports that 72% of brands responding feel their CEO now understands the importance of social media.

50 brands were surveyed spanning the consumer goods, telecommunications, finance, fashion, entertainment and automotive sectors.

The study revealed five main considerations for brands over the next twelve months, ranging from business challenges to how the client/agency relationship should evolve.

  1. Evolving strategies and becoming a ‘social’ brand
  2. Business integration: taking social out of the silo
  3. The need for creativity and building brands
  4. Social media becoming more about the ‘media’
  5. Brands versus agencies – in-house investment and the role of the agency

Key findings from the research include:

  • 50% of brands invested in a dedicated in-house social media resource, such as community managers or executives
  • 96% of brands require the use of an agency, with the most popular needs being design and build (66%), strategy (64%) and wider creative executions (52%)
  • 100% of respondents were involved in social media in some way – reflecting growth in social marketing
  • 66% of brands have a social media strategy
  • 48% have a social media steering group

Jude Brooks, digital activation manager at Coca Cola said: “As brands engage more and more in social media, our learning and confidence increases, and it is inevitable that some brands will bring responsibility for social in-house. While this will inevitably lead to a re-think of the role for agencies, this research shows that good agencies need not panic; specialists who can bring innovative and creative solutions will always be needed and valued.”

David Ellison, ISBA’s Marketing Services Manager, said: “Last year, ISBA and the IAB conducted research into the challenges for brands in social media. The results indicated that many advertisers were unsure where social media should be positioned within their organisation and that social was being siloed into specific departments within organisations.”

Amy Kean, Director of Social Media at Havas Media Social said: “Over the past twelve months, developments in advertising formats, self-regulation and measurement have meant that social media is more robust than ever. Our research has found that brands not only see the significance of social, but they are beginning to integrate it within their wider business with holistic strategies that span the organisation.

“Whilst there may still exist a disconnect between what brands feel social media is best at and what they’re currently using it for, our study confirms that they’re definitely in it for the long-term.”

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