
More Americans are watching home internet video on TVs than PCs

More Americans are watching home internet video on TVs than PCs

The availability of connected televisions is changing the way Americans are streaming videos to their homes. According to market research company NPD Group’s Digital Video Outlook report, the TV has become the primary screen for viewing paid and free video streamed from the internet.

Q2 2012 saw consumers that use the TV as their primary screen jump from 33% to 45% year on year. Those that use the PC as the main method of viewing video fell from 48% to 31% in the same period.

This shift not only reflects a strong consumer preference for watching TV and films on big screen TVs, but also coincides with the rapid adoption of Internet-connectible TVs.

“The growth in connected TVs is another sign that online video is maturing,” said Russ Crupnick, senior vice president of industry analysis for The NPD Group. “Streaming video has moved from the dorm room to the living room; and, as more households obtain and connect TVs to the Web, we predict increased trial and engagement for video distribution services.”

Read more over at Advanced Television.

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