
Connected televisions still not using full capabilities

Connected televisions still not using full capabilities


A recent study by The NPD Group has shown that people that own connected TVs tend to watch programmes and not do much else, despite the vast array of digital and social content available.

The latest NPD Connected Intelligence Application & Convergence report reveals that almost 60% of connected TV owners access Over-the-Top (OTT) video services, followed by OTT music, at 15%.

Use of web browsing, social networking and uploading pictures/videos was all under 10%, with Twitter use at just 2%, behind LinkedIn and the reading of books and magazines.

A number of connected devices in addition to TVs offer applications, including games consoles and Blu-ray Disc players.

However, application use on these devices is still struggling to take off, with The NPD Group suggesting that users are given too much choice and this can result in a complex experience.

“While 15 percent of HDTV displays are connected directly to the Internet, that number increases to 29 percent of HDTVs screens due to these other devices,” a spokesperson for The NPD Group said.

“This is driving the availability of around two connected eco-systems on the same TV screen, leading to a confused user-experience as consumers have more than one way of accessing their favorite TV apps.”

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