
Sky refuses to air rival BT’s multimillion-pound ads

Sky refuses to air rival BT’s multimillion-pound ads


BT has complained to media watchdog Ofcom about BskyB’s refusal to air its multimillion-pound Premiership coverage, which is scheduled to launch from August 17, under the grounds of “undue discrimination”.

Last year, BT spent £738 million acquiring 38 Premier League matches for the season, and this year is expected to spend millions advertising the launch of two new sports channels in July.

However, assumedly in an effort to scupper its rival, Sky has refused BT the air-time it originally signed for.

Speaking to the Guardian, John Petter, managing director of consumer for BT Retail said that BskyB’s refusal was like a Rottweiler running away from a new-born puppy.

“We are happy to take Sky’s advertising but they seem afraid of taking ours,” he said.

A spokeswoman for Sky told the Guardian, “There are many other avenues for BT to advertise its sports channels without seeking to take advantage of the investments that we’ve made to build Sky Sports.

“It’s entirely reasonable for us to choose not to carry advertising for a directly competing service.”

Ofcom is currently investigating the matter under the Code of the Prevention of Undue Discrimination between Broadcast Advertisers.

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