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ITV declares war on ad-blockers

ITV declares war on ad-blockers

ITV has warned users with ad-blocking software that it will be preventing them from watching content via ITV Player.

Ad-blocking software stops advertisements from displaying in video and on websites, allowing users to watch content without pre-roll or ad breaks. Currently, Adblock Plus – the most common ad-blocking software – has 16 million users across the globe.

The message appears to those suspected of using ad-blocking software before video content plays, giving users an ‘advance warning’ that ITV will soon be preventing those viewers from watching programmes.

The commercial broadcaster is implementing the new rule to protect its advertisers. An ITV spokesperson said: “ITV has begun communicating with its online users about the use of ad-blocking software.

“Advertising revenue is one of the key ways we fund the programmes our viewers love and it is in the interest of all viewers that we strictly impose the terms and conditions of the ITV Player and do not allow the use of ad-blocking software.”

Newsline asked Channel 4 if its popular 4OD service would implement a similar function, but the broadcaster was unable to confirm.

However, Sarah Rose, director of commercial & business development at Channel 4, said: “We continue to monitor the use of these [ad-blocking] services as it is essential that we run a commercially viable catch up service for both our viewers and advertisers.”

ITV has not yet disclosed when the changes will be put in place.

Orla, Owner, Lark Owls, on 02 Nov 2013
“If they weren't so greedy, running 7 or 8 ads at every break, and if their software were not so lousy, resulting in several crashes per hour, each of which is accompanied by 7 or 8 MORE ads on restart, then users might not feel that they had to resort to Adblock.”
Jonothan, why, No, on 02 Nov 2013
“here we come youtube, ITV can stick it or get with it”
papa, CEO, No, on 01 Nov 2013
“why should we have to sit and watch lots of crappy ads that do nothing but get in the way of the entertainment of watching TV. Boycott ITV then and see how they are when everyone has lost interest in them. Alternately watch itv on youtube”
James, N/A, N/A, on 31 Oct 2013
“ITV are now blocking users rather than just warning them.”

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