
TV-synched ads offered via Facebook Exchange

TV-synched ads offered via Facebook Exchange

Civolution and Optimal have announced a partnership that will allow brands and agencies to buy Facebook ads in synchronisation with TV adverts.

By integrating Civolution’s ad-triggering service, SyncNow – which monitors national and international cable and broadcast channels to identify TV ads in real time – with Optimal’s Open Signals and Real Time Bidding platform, advertisers now have the opportunity to automatically buy ads via Facebook Exchange within seconds of the ad airing on TV.

For Facebook Newsfeed ads that were synchronised to Optimal’s advertiser’s TV ads, there was a 60% lift compared with a control group running the same day.

“The connection of our ad triggering service with Optimal’s real-time bidding on Facebook proved to be a significantly powerful combination,” said Alex Terpstra, CEO, Civolution.

“Brands can receive higher engagement from their digital spend by syncing those ad units to the TV spots, while in turn increasing the return on investment from their TV spend by making broadcast spots actionable on digital.”

The companies say the results show that RTB platforms, when paired with TV content identification, can provide a powerful platform for brands and agencies to deploy high value tactical buys that run for a limited time once a TV spot airs.

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