
New 3D ads literally “pop” off the page

New 3D ads literally “pop” off the page

It’s probably safe to say that traditional banner ads, which, let’s face it, are often a bit dull and unengaging, are long overdue a make-over. And in 2015, more than two decades since banner ads first hit the web, Global software company Cxense thinks it has the answer: three-dimensional advertising.

In a bold move that hopes to help publishers and advertisers capture their users’ and consumers’ attention in an “effective, yet non-intrusive way,” Cxense’s new eye-catching ads pop out of the page and tilt as you scroll – and Newsline is impressed.

Running on HTML, the 3D ads will work on mobiles, tablets and desktops, amongst other devices, and will enable products and images to rotate and “pop” off the screen – without any irritating flashing and unwanted sound effects, we’ve been assured.

The rotation can follow the scrolling of the page, or, be driven by the mobile device ‘accelerometer’ responding to tilting of the phone – as demonstrated on the company’s news website.

Check out the video below to see the 3D ads in action.

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