
Magnetic commissions David Brennan for new magazine study

Magnetic commissions David Brennan for new magazine study

Magnetic, the marketing agency for magazine media, has appointed Media Native founder and Newsline columnist, David Brennan, to work with Join the Dots on a new insight study to be published in the autumn.

The study – the second to be undertaken by Magnetic since it launched in March – will specifically explore the evolving role that premium content plays in consumers’ lives and how advertising can enhance the experience.

“Our new study is the next important step in explaining how and why magazine media is growing in power and influence,” said Magnetic CEO Sue Todd.

“We know from our work on ‘The Rules of Attraction’ that magazine brands offer a unique set of attributes to advertisers and this new study will help our customers understand how to leverage these in increasingly powerful ways.

“Investment in the best insight is vital, evidenced by bringing in the expertise of David, an award-winning media researcher well respected throughout the industry.”

Magnetic’s Rules of Attraction study, conducted over two years with 15,000 magazine consumers, showed that the number of readers engaging in daily magazine consumption increased from 12% to 22% over the period.

Brennan, who has more than 30 years’ experience in the industry, said: “Our job is to build on the wealth of data that already exists about magazine media and their audiences and turn this into actionable insight which has real value to advertisers and media agencies.

“Magazine media is going through a very dynamic period of change and I believe the result of this evolution will be an even more powerful advertising opportunity for customers. Our new research study will work towards making this a reality.”

Members of Magnetic so far include Bauer Media, H Bauer, Haymarket, Dennis Publishing, Immediate Media, Time Inc, Hearst, Shortlist Media, Redwood and Condé Nast.

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