
Dutch internet audience currency to include Google and Facebook

Dutch internet audience currency to include Google and Facebook

Google and Facebook will be included in Kantar Media’s new planning currency for internet audience ratings.

Developed with Vinex, the industry group of Netherlands online publishers, the 5,000-strong panel will measure all internet traffic and page content from the online giants, as well as participating publishers.

Netflix and YouTube are also set to be added to the panel early next year.

“The Dutch media industry demands a new standard for measurement of all media consumed on the internet,” said Richard Asquith, global CEO of audience intelligence at Kantar Media.

“Our unrivalled experience in designing and operating hybrid measurement services is manifested in this latest milestone.”

Bas de Vos, managing director of the new panel and SKO, the TV and video ratings body in the Netherlands, said the development marks a new standard for internet ratings.

“The alliance between these two bodies, realised through the NOBO project, will enable agencies, brands and media owners to manage media investment across TV and internet properties,” he said.

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