
Brands out of tune with realities of parenthood

Brands out of tune with realities of parenthood

A new study from Trinity Mirror Solutions and OMD UK has revealed that brands are struggling to empathise with the realities of modern family life.

The research, which surveyed over 2,000 parents in the UK, revealed that only 19% believe advertising represents their experience of parenthood.

The industry’s preoccupation with parents of babies and primary school-age children means older parents are increasingly feeling neglected from brand communication. Just 5% of those aged 55-64s feel advertising represents their experience of parenthood versus 45% of 16-34s.

The study also shows that there are large gaps between what parents want from an ideal parent friendly brand and what brands actually deliver. Although 40% say ‘understanding me and my family’ is essential, just 12% associated the trait with the brands we questioned them on.

“Engaging in lazy stereotypes does little to helps brands connect with parents,” said Andrew Tenzer, head of group insight for Trinity Mirror.

“It’s time for advertisers to give more thought to how they are portraying parents, and appeal to their desire to be supported, not stereotyped.”

Sarah Gale, head of insight at OMD UK added: “With only 19% of our respondents believing that advertising represents their experience of parenthood and nearly 8 million families with dependent children in the UK today, advertisers need to sit up and start paying attention to the huge proportion of parents who sit outside their traditional targeting parameters.

“We hope this research helps brands engage in a more authentic way with this audience.”

The report outlines the things brands should consider, such as ensuring that they play supportive roles towards parenthood and move beyond narrow definitions such as ‘housewives with kids’. 

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