
Consumer ABCs: Women’s Weeklies

Consumer ABCs: Women’s Weeklies

2018 opened with widespread declines in the women’s weeklies market.

In the middle of the rankings, Bauer Media’s Bella was the only title to record positive growth figures in H1, with a 1.3% period-on-period increase and a nearly 3% increase year-on-year. The mag has a total circulation of 166,200.

Take A Break Monthly (Series) managed to record an impressive 9.1% increase YoY, but was down -15.3% PoP to 180,000.

Meanwhile, the rest of the market only recorded declines.

Still the bestselling title, Take A Break, has a healthy circulation of just over 472,000, despite a -5.1% PoP decline and a YoY drop of more than -8%.

In second place, Reach Magazines (Group) – which now includes OK! Magazine, New! and Star after they were purchased from Northern & Shell – was down almost -7% in the first half of 2018 to 408,900, while Womans Weekly was down -5.7% to 240,800.

Some of the worst performing titles include Woman’s Own (-15.9%), Woman (-15.5%) and Now! (-35.4%).

(Correction – we incorrectly referred to New! as Now! in an earlier version of this story).

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