
Blue Collar Web Use Rises

Blue Collar Web Use Rises

The number of blue collar workers using the internet is growing, according to a report by Continental Research.

A new reportshows that internet usage is “taking a firm hold” in 2CDE households, which are made up of people who tend to be older, work in blue collar occupations and have less exposure to PC’s and the internet.

This is significant, say Continental, given that internet usage has traditionally had a strong male ABC1 and young (15-44) bias.

Director of Continental Research, Colin Shaddick, said: “To date considerable barriers have existed preventing internet usage from taking hold in 2CDE households, but despite theses barriers we are now seeing a positive increase in the proportion of 2CDE homes with internet access.”

He added: “Similarly the number of women going online has risen significantly, perhaps spurred on by their children being internet savvy and wishing to utilise some of the time saving websites such as online supermarket delivery.”

The report also shows that growth in overall internet usage continues to rise, with the number of regular internet users increasing by 33% from 13 million in the period from April to July 2000 to 17.3 million in April-July 2001.

Continental Research:020 7490 5944 www.continentalresearch.com

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