
Digital Television Round-Up – June 2001

Digital Television Round-Up – June 2001

Evidence of the gathering strength of the non-terrestrial channels was once again evident in a year on year comparison of viewing in all homes. The Others category rose from a 16.5% average weekly share of viewing in June 2000 to a 20.2% share in June 2001, bringing it closer to the share enjoyed by the major terrestrial players. These were the channels which lost out during the month, with BBC1’s share in all homes dropping year on year, while ITV saw a larger slide, from 29.8% to 27% share of viewing.

In digital homes, the non-terrestrial channels appear to have leveled off in their share of viewing just below the 50% mark. The BBC channels also held steady in their share year on year, but ITV saw a dive. Channel 4 gained, achieving a weekly average of 7%, compared to last years 5.8%, while Channel 5 also grew its share.

In a comparison of Sky Digital and ONdigital homes, it can be seen that non-terrestrial channels continue to command a greater share of viewing in Sky homes as compared to ONdigital homes. In ONdigital homes, the advantage given to terrestrial channels results in an even spread of percentage points across viewing shares.

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