
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – June 2002

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – June 2002

The latest figures on national newspaper circulation, released by ABC, show that overall the market did not see a great change in the number of copies sold, showing that the timing of World Cup matches in June did not work in newspapers’ favours. More titles lost ground than gained it during June compared to May.

The largest loss in percentage terms was once again seen at Sport First (Sunday), where 10,562 was lost from average bulk sales month on month, representing a 19.5% fall. In contrast the largest gain in percentage terms was at another sports tabloid, the Racing Post, which saw a 3% increase in sales month on month.

In real terms the Sun saw the biggest gain in the number of copies sold, adding 65,647 to its circulation. The Sun has continued to sell for the reduced price of 20p after the Mirror, which initiated the price war, partially backed down (see Mirror Brings Partial End To Price Cut).

National Newspaper June 2002 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title May 2002 June 2002 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 93,652 94,639 987 1.1
Daily Express 939,417 941,790 2,373 0.3
Daily Mail 2,405,694 2,412,384 6,690 0.3
Daily Mirror 2,128,755 2,116,717 -12,038 -0.6
Daily Record 558,343 551,333 -7,010 -1.3
Daily Star 680,040 672,949 -7,091 -1.0
Daily Telegraph 1,001,692 1,004,369 2,677 0.3
Financial Times 479,832 474,395 -5,437 -1.1
Guardian 400,452 398,931 -1,521 -0.4
Independent 227,175 224,897 -2,278 -1.0
Independent On Sunday 233,521 227,959 -5,562 -2.4
Mail On Sunday 2,298,338 2,334,785 36,447 1.6
News Of The World 3,864,915 3,861,971 -2,944 -0.1
Observer 460,709 450,825 -9,884 -2.1
Racing Post 84,024 86,534 2,510 3.0
Sport First (Sunday) 54,051 43,489 -10,562 -19.5
Sun 3,459,026 3,524,673 65,647 1.9
Sunday Express 883,106 894,204 11,098 1.3
Sunday Mirror 1,749,985 1,693,463 -56,522 -3.2
Sunday People 1,319,219 1,301,815 -17,404 -1.3
Sunday Sport 195,512 181,509 -14,003 -7.2
Sunday Telegraph 781,617 768,007 -13,610 -1.7
Sunday Times 1,399,754 1,432,337 32,583 2.3
Times 706,930 703,834 -3,096 -0.4
Total 26,405,759 26,397,809 -8,937 -0.0

Quality Market

Overall, the quality newspaper market remained static in a year on year analysis. However, within this, the most exceptional performance in terms of percentage change was at The Business, whose re-marketing has produced a 55% increase in sales for the Jan-Jun period year on year, and now circulates around the 86,000 mark.

The largest decrease in percentage terms was at the Independent on Sunday, which slid 7.3% year on year to just over 230,000, although its daily sister managed to hold on to its own circulation of 225,000. The largest loss of circulation in real terms was at another Sunday title, the Sunday Telegraph, which saw its circulation shrink by 31,042 year on year.

Quality Market Jan 02 – Jun 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jan 01 – Jun 01 Jan 02 – Jun 02 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 55,497 86,200 30,703 55.3
Daily Telegraph 1,017,797 1,004,574 -13,223 -1.3
Financial Times 487,263 486,074 -1,189 -0.2
Guardian 403,306 401,570 -1,736 -0.4
Independent 225,639 225,748 109 0.0
Independent On Sunday 250,164 232,006 -18,158 -7.3
Observer 451,144 453,827 2,683 0.6
Sunday Telegraph 804,039 781,101 -22,938 -2.9
Sunday Times 1,385,637 1,416,679 31,042 2.2
Times 715,310 709,061 -6,249 -0.9
Total 5,795,796 5,796,840 1,044 0.0

Mid Market

The mid market had a tough time period on period, according to January to June figures. Overall the market fell 1.6%, with all titles seeing circulation slip.

The worst hit was the Sunday Express, which saw a 5.6% drop representing over 50,000 copies. However, rival mid market Sunday, the Mail on Sunday, also dropped over 10,000 from its circulation, representing a fall of 0.3%.

Mid Market Jan 02 – Jun 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jan 01 – Jun 01 Jan 02 – Jun 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 963,147 927,797 -35,350 -3.7
Daily Mail 2,428,260 2,419,792 -8,468 -0.3
Mail On Sunday 2,362,011 2,351,224 -10,787 -0.5
Sunday Express 912,996 862,030 -50,966 -5.6
Total 6,666,414 6,560,843 -105,571 -1.6

Popular Market

The January to June period saw a 1.9% year on year fall in total circulation for the popular market, with only two titles, the Daily Star and the Racing Post seeing year on year increases.

The worst fall in percentage terms was at Sport First, which saw a year on year fall of 21.8% compared to the same period last year, while the largest drop in actual terms was in the circulation of the Sunday People which shed 78,000, closely followed by the Sunday Mirror, which dropped 71,000.

The main exception to the downward trend was the Daily Star, which continues to perform well, seeing a 12.9% year on year increase in circulation, which means it now sells comfortably above the 650,000 mark.

Popular Market Jan 02 – Jun 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jan 01 – Jun 01 Jan 02 – Jun 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 2,193,791 2,127,115 -66,676 -3.0
Daily Record 599,574 567,270 -32,304 -5.4
Daily Star 579,584 654,544 74,960 12.9
News Of The World 3,974,458 3,953,700 -20,758 -0.5
Racing Post 76,487 83,153 6,666 8.7
Sport First 76,206 59,557 -16,649 -21.8
Sun 3,499,882 3,441,613 -58,269 -1.7
Sunday Mirror 1,849,346 1,778,075 -71,271 -3.9
Sunday People 1,415,555 1,336,670 -78,885 -5.6
Sunday Sport 195,554 191,110 -4,444 -2.3
Total 14,460,437 14,192,807 -267,630 -1.9

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