
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – January 2002

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – January 2002

IMPORTANT NOTE: This report was compiled using the figures issued by the ABC at the time. Since then, due to a routine inspection of multiple copy sales, the August-January figure for the Guardian has been amended to 410,038, giving it a 3.13% increase year on year, while the August-January figure for the Observer has been amended to 461,752, giving a 4.18% year on year increase. The Press database has been duly changed.

ABC circulation figures for the first month of 2002 showed some positive news for the national newspaper market, with a month on month rise in total circulation of 4.4%.

The most impressive performance in the month on month analysis came from the re-financed, renamed and relaunched The Business (see Sunday Business Set For Relaunch) , which saw a 54.3% month on month increase in circulation now that it goes on the stands on Mondays as well as Sundays. Its 28,767 increase means its circulation now stands at just over 80,000.

Other significant rises were seen in the popular press, where the News of the World was up 7.8% and the Sunday Mirror 9.3% month on month. Increases were not across the board, however, as the FT and Sport First both saw drops of more than 5%.

National Newspaper January 2002 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Dec 2001 Jan 2002 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 52,949 81,716 28,767 54.3
Daily Express 937,006 991,560 54,554 5.8
Daily Mail 2,389,031 2,489,264 100,233 4.2
Daily Record 581,703 584,290 2,587 0.4
Daily Star 594,310 605,249 10,939 1.8
Daily Telegraph 1,005,338 1,013,653 8,315 0.8
Financial Times 501,259 475,475 -25,784 -5.1
Guardian 397,138 411,386 14,248 3.6
Independent 224,008 224,655 647 0.3
Independent On Sunday 223,234 231,869 8,635 3.9
Mail On Sunday 2,286,937 2,342,860 55,923 2.4
Mirror 2,075,779 2,164,576 88,797 4.3
News Of The World 3,789,916 4,086,621 296,705 7.8
Observer 439,388 449,806 10,418 2.4
Racing Post 77,062 73,534 -3,528 -4.6
Sport First 74,117 70,184 -3,933 -5.3
Sun 3,307,051 3,502,923 195,872 5.9
Sunday Express 834,264 834,999 735 0.1
Sunday Mirror 1,689,072 1,845,860 156,788 9.3
Sunday People 1,315,950 1,389,778 73,828 5.6
Sunday Sport 186,838 191,674 4,836 2.6
Sunday Telegraph 786,370 784,069 -2,301 -0.3
Sunday Times 1,342,780 1,405,430 62,650 4.7
Times 710,309 711,295 986 0.1
Total 25,821,809 26,962,726 1,112,150 4.4

Quality Market

The Quality Market saw a 1.3% increase year on year for the period August-January. Once again, The Business saw the largest increase in percentage terms, of 11.1% but the Observer also did well, adding 6.6% or almost 30,000 copies to reach 472,673. The Independent on Sunday was the only title to see a drop, of 4.4%

Quality Market Aug 01 – Jan 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Aug 00 – Jan 01 Aug 01 – Jan 02 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 55,603 61,753 6,150 11.1
Daily Telegraph 1,020,718 1,021,851 1,133 0.1
Financial Times 474,035 480,904 6,869 1.4
Guardian 397,585 416,066 18,481 4.6
Independent 229,863 231,083 1,220 0.5
Independent On Sunday 249,980 238,965 -11,015 -4.4
Observer 443,232 472,673 29,441 6.6
Sunday Telegraph 804,785 812,737 7,952 1.0
Sunday Times 1,382,978 1,398,220 15,242 1.1
Times 721,506 721,838 332 0.0
Total 5,780,285 5,856,090 75,805 1.3

Mid Market

The mid market continued to perform as it has been of late, with the Mail titles gaining steady ground and the Express titles slipping worryingly. The Sunday Express was the more worrying of the two in the August to January period, showing a year on year decrease in circulation of 9.5% to 855,000, while the Daily Express dropped 6.2%. Overall the market saw only a very small increase.

Mid Market Aug 01 – Jan 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Aug 00 – Jan 01 Aug 01 – Jan 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,025,488 961,754 -63,734 -6.2
Daily Mail 2,388,884 2,480,374 91,490 3.8
Mail On Sunday 2,300,336 2,371,967 71,631 3.1
Sunday Express 945,318 855,275 -90,043 -9.5
Total 6,660,026 6,669,370 9,344 0.1

Popular Market

The popular market as a whole saw a 2% decrease in circulation in a year on year analysis of the August to January period. Within that there were mixed fortunes, with the Daily Star adding an impressive 12.7% or just under 70,000 to its total and Sport First 7.9%, while the Sunday People, subject of recent speculation about a possible sale by owners Trinity Mirror (see Trinity Denies Sunday People Sale Rumours) dropped 7.8%.

Popular Market Aug 01 – Jan 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Aug 00 – Jan 01 Aug 01 – Jan 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 613,099 595,699 -17,400 -2.8
Daily Star 547,656 617,316 69,660 12.7
Mirror 2,222,811 2,179,236 -43,575 -2.0
News Of The World 4,029,945 4,033,812 3,867 0.1
Racing Post 73,957 76,833 2,876 3.9
Sport First 80,678 87,023 6,345 7.9
Sun 3,614,303 3,469,196 -145,107 -4.0
Sunday Mirror 1,888,318 1,832,787 -55,531 -2.9
Sunday People 1,496,246 1,380,257 -115,989 -7.8
Sunday Sport 200,874 202,259 1,385 0.7
Total 14,767,887 14,474,418 -293,469 -2.0

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