
No ‘Sustained Recovery’ In European Broadcasting Markets, Says RTL

No ‘Sustained Recovery’ In European Broadcasting Markets, Says RTL

Didier Bellens, chief executive of pan-European broadcaster, RTL Group, yesterday painted a fairly flat picture of the European broadcasting marketing, saying that conditions remain tough and that there is little visibility on future advertising trends.

In the trading statement covering the year to 31 December 2002, ahead of the group’s results in March, Bellens also said that the performance of (Channel) Five in the UK was exceptional, with strong second half growth in audience and advertising market share. Year on year, Five’s audience share rose from 5.9% to 6.5%; ad market share increased from 6.4% to 7.5%.

In France, M6 consolidated its position as the number two station and the radio business continued its recovery, according to the statement.

RTL’s core market is Germany, which has suffered another year of advertising decline, although the group says that its overall trading performance in Q4 was better than expected. Within this declining advertising market, RTL Television managed to increase its market share.

“The outlook for advertising across Europe in 2003 remains uncertain despite the stronger than expected last quarter of 2002 in Germany. We are not, yet, confident enough to say that any sustained recovery is underway. However, RTL Group is well placed to benefit from a rebound when it comes,” said Bellens.

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