
Maiden Sees Continuing Weak Conditions In First Half

Maiden Sees Continuing Weak Conditions In First Half

First half revenue growth at UK outdoor advertising company, Maiden Group, is expected to be at the top end of the previously forecast 3-5% range, the group has announced.

However, it also noted that the difficult trading conditions have continued into the second quarter of the year and that forward visibility remains limited, with monthly performances varying widely. Maiden believes that the full year conditions will not show a marked improvement over 2002.

However, despite Maiden’s weak figures and tentative outlook, figures from the Outdoor Advertising Association show that Q1 2003 revenues rose by 16.9% year on year, outperforming the rest of the media sector. Advertising Association data also put Q1 outdoor growth at 16.8% in current prices, significantly higher than any other sector.

Other trading commentary from Aegis this week pointed toward a strong performance from its UK outdoor advertising operation, Postercope.

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