
Research Claims Newspaper Ads Double Brand Commitment

Research Claims Newspaper Ads Double Brand Commitment

The Newspaper Marketing Agency has unveiled the second stage of its research into newspaper advertising effectiveness, claiming that print campaigns can double brand commitment amongst readers.

The research is part of the NMA’s Measuring Advertising Effectiveness of Newspapers study, the first part of which was published in June following its creation at the beginning of the year (see NMA Announces Effectiveness Study). Carried out by brand and communications research agency Hall & Partners, the research identified six strategic roles newspaper advertising can play, demonstrating that the medium does much more than deliver simple ‘buy now’ messages.

The latest instalment of research expands on the initial findings, showing that a combination of newspaper and TV advertising delivered the strongest brand commitment shifts, as opposed to television advertising used alone or TV ads used in combination with radio advertising or posters.

The NMA claims that the attention required by readers of a newspaper sets it apart from other media, with the research stating: “Unlike most other advertising media, reading newspapers is not a passive experience; it involves high levels of attention. This gives newspaper ads a special quality because high attention processing produces enduring attitude changes.”

Commenting on the findings, Maureen Duffy, chief executive of the NMA, said: “Accountability is the biggest single issue facing the advertising industry. Now, for the first time, using new metrics developed with Hall & Partners, clients will be able to evaluate properly the effectiveness of their newspaper advertising and national newspapers will be fully accountable to their advertisers.”

She added: “Moreover, our latest research with the new metrics dispels the myth that newspapers are primarily a ‘call to action’ medium and cannot contribute to brand building. On the contrary, we’ve discovered they can be hugely powerful, doubling the increase in brand commitment when included in a mixed media schedule.”

The third stage of the NMA’s study is expected to be published early next year, using new metrics to measure newspaper advertising campaigns in the market and provide final proof of effectiveness. The NMA is asking companies to partner its research, with national newspapers investing heavily by providing advertising space worth £10 million free to advertisers who take part. Tests on the campaigns involved will run from January 2005.

Newspaper Marketing Agency: 020 7182 1700 www.nmauk.co.uk

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