
Publicis Tops 2003 New Business League

Publicis Tops 2003 New Business League

December saw a marked increase in activity at leading agencies as the account pipeline remained strong. There were a number of significant wins for Publicis which clinched the Lehman Brothers 2003 New Business Title.

Following a strong November, there was a 40% year on year increase in account moves last month. Account consolidation is a major feature and the pipeline indicates an improvement in the next few months, Lehman emphasised in a report.

“We believe the ongoing trend remains upwards as companies reassess their marketing plans as the advertising outlook improves, underpinning our stance on the sub-sector,” the report said.

Publicis reported $866 million in net new business billings and finished top of the end of year New Business Scorecard, ahead of Omnicom and Grey Worldwide. Havas recovered from a mid-year slump and came in fourth with net wins of more than $200 million.

WPP suffered no new Cordiant losses in December but was hit by a couple of high-profile losses. It did however have a number of less heralded wins and secured net new billings of $83 million last year. Lehman estimates that the overall advertising agency sector ended 2003 with a net of more than $3 billion in new advertising billings.

Lehman Brothers New Business Scorecard 2003
Agency Group Net Wins ($m)
Publicis 866
Omnicom 653
Grey Worldwide 364
Havas 208
WPP 83
Interpublic 16
Other 909
Total 3099
Source: Lehman Brothers, January 2004

Media Agencies Mindshare was the most successful media buying agency in 2003 with $174 million in net new business. Omnicom’s OMD finished second with $113 million in net wins, just ahead of ZenithOptimedia.

2003 Media Agency Net New Business
Media Shop Parent Wins ($m) Losses ($m) Net Wins ($m)
Mindshare WPP 174 28 146
OMD Omnicom 145 32 113
ZenithOptimedia Publicis 165 55 110
Starcom MediaVest Publicis 169 121 48
Carat Aegis 137 94 43
Mediaedge: CIA WPP 62 21 41
PHD Omnicom 34 26 8
Universal McCann Interpublic 121 138 -17
MPG Havas 0 56 -56
Initiative Interpublic 120 201 -81
MediaCom Grey Worldwide 11 98 -87
Source: Lehman Brothers, January 2004

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