
Channel 4 Plans Wide-Ranging Rebrand For 2005

Channel 4 Plans Wide-Ranging Rebrand For 2005

Channel 4 will rediscover its roots next year with a rebrand to recreate its logo as a three dimensional shape, echoing the network’s first computer-animated identity and attempting to recapture the boldness and dynamism of the original.

The aim of the redesign has been to recapture the essence of Martin Lambie-Nairn’s 1982 design, while retaining a thoroughly 21st century approach. The new identity retains the structure of the original nine piece stencilled ‘4’, but uses the latest special effects techniques.

In its most recent guise, the ‘4’ logo was static and two-dimensional, appearing to be contained within a coloured box both on and off-air. The new brand identity removes the logo from its box and re-establishes it as a three-dimensional image with the capacity to move, break apart and reform on screen.

The wide-ranging rebrand has several elements, from new idents incorporating the animated logo, to programme menus and one or two second opticals, to be used as break bumpers. In addition, a static but still three dimensional, version of the logo will be used for all of Channel 4’s off-air marketing and corporate materials. Posters, print ads and promos will all retain the centre right positioning of the 4 logo, while advertising headlines will be picked out in blocks of colour, echoing the on-screen menu design.

The redesign has been conceived by the channel’s creative director, Brett Foraker. Commenting on the rebrand, Channel 4’s director of network marketing, Polly Cochrane, said: “The new identity is a highly innovative piece of work that reflects Channel 4’s unique values and once again puts us at the forefront of contemporary design.”

She added: “In 1999 we pioneered minimalist cool and others followed. Now, in a more competitive digital environment, it’s time for something big, bold and engaging. Brett and his team have found a way of delivering the impact of the original identity but in a thoroughly modern way.”

Channel 4 recently announced plans for a new documentaries and factual entertainment channel, available as an online-only offering to be launched early next year. The channel is intended to boost the broadcaster’s public service output and help the broadcaster to meet Government requirements (see Channel 4 Plans Online Documentary Channel).

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