
Nielsen Launches In-Game Ad Measurement System

Nielsen Launches In-Game Ad Measurement System

Media research specialist Nielsen Entertainment has announced a partnership with video game advertising network Massive Incorporated to provide accountability and measurement for campaigns run within computer games via Massive’s network to game fans around the world.

Nielsen claims the agreement is a critical advance in the validation of video games as an “effective and viable advertising mechanism”. The deal gives advertisers the same level of detail, control and accountability already offered by Nielsen in established media such as TV and the internet.

Explaining the new venture Michael Dowling, general manager of Nielsen Interactive Entertainment, said: “By this point, there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that, to young people, video games are an essential part of their cultural fabric.”

He added: “Not only are we seeing video games claim a larger share of the entertainment wallet, but with today’s captivating game play experiences, we are seeing video games occupy a larger share of leisure time activities as well. As such, video games are fast developing into a real and powerful tool to authentically reach this highly sought after demographic. As companies like Massive grow the in-game advertising network market, Nielsen Entertainment will be in lock-step to develop and deliver the foundational infrastructure to support the evolution of this burgeoning industry.”

Nielsen claims that Video games represent a vastly under-utilised advertising vehicle, with the ability to effectively target the elusive 18-34 year old male audience. The research firm explains that, until now, companies seeking to reach gamers have relied on fixed placements in individual game titles with limited ability to tune or time their campaigns.

However, the Massive Video Game Advertising Network now enables advertisers to buy advertising space within computer games, with Massive currently expanding its portfolio of games and advertising opportunities to give marketers broader choices.

Mitch Davis, chief executive of Massive said: “Massive and Nielsen are drawing another connection line between video game advertising and effectiveness, creating more tools for brand marketers by providing real audience measurement in this growing and critical new advertising medium. Video games have become a major component of our media environment, every bit as vital as television.”

As with television, advertisers using the Massive network can buy across the network or segment specifically to reach their desired consumer. The new technology enabled brands to be integrated into gaming worlds, connecting with the audience in the process.

Nielsen will work closely with Massive over the next few months to develop the new measurement system, aiming to create “dynamically served” figures, providing unprecedented accountability by auditing the interaction of console and PC players with each in-game ad. The new system will deliver full data on the aggregated reach and demographic profiles on the audience exposed to the ad, as well other measurement data important to TV ad buyers including day part, frequency, and geo-targeting.

In addition, the ratings framework is designed with flexibility to allow for the measurement of interstitials, audio ads, and other placement types. The video game advertising reports will be rolled out to clients at the beginning of quarter two, 2005.

Nielsen Interactive Entertainment: 0207 170 5200 www.vnu.com

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