
UK Leaders In European Broadband Growth

UK Leaders In European Broadband Growth

Britain has seen the largest growth in broadband take up in Europe, adding 762,000 lines in the third quarter of this year to reach 5.1 million lines by September.

Eastern European countries, Hungry and Poland have also seen an impressive adoption of the technology, increasing their bulk of digital subscription lines by 69% and 59% respectively during July, August and September. Poland is approaching the half a million mark for broadband lines. Elsewhere in Europe, Turkey is continuing the upward trend, registering a 43% increase, to reach 272,500 broadband lines in the same period.

The report comes from broadband analysis company, Point Topic, who have estimated that, given the current growth rates, worldwide broadband subscribers will exceed 150 million by the end of 2004. The results from the third quarter of 2004 show that the US is continuing to lead the way in terms of broadband connection, achieving 31,7 million lines in Q3. China is in second place, adding 3 million to obtain, 22.3 million and Japan has 17.2 million.

Latin American countries also feature in the top ten for growth, with Mexico achieving 33% and approaching half a million lines and Argentina experiencing a 26% increase as it passed 400,000 lines.

South Korea remains the leader in terms of broadband penetration with almost 25 broadband lines per 100 people, Hong Kong follows closely in second place with 21 lines per 100 and The Netherlands has overtaken Canada with 17.5 lines per 100. Israel has 13.9 lines per 100 and is now ahead of both Japan and Sweden.

The UK however, is leading the way in Europe in terms of percentage growth in the third quarter and recently revised broadband pricing regulations by media watchdog Ofcom can only aid this impressive increase. The new rules follow increased pressure on BT from both Ofcom and rival companies to reduce its prices and open its network.

Ofcom believes that a combination of truly competitive markets together with widespread consumer understanding of choices available to those markets amounts to the most effective form of consumer protection.

Point Topic: 020 7551 9260 www.point-topic.com

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