
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up May 2004

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up May 2004

The Guardian regained valuable ground against it broadsheet rivals last month with circulation increasing by a solid 2.1% to just under the 390,000 mark, according to the latest ABC results for May.

The title has been hard hit by the popularity of recent compact launches from the Independent and the Times. However, the decision not to ape its quality rivals appears to be paying off for the paper, which is rumoured to be considering a midsize edition somewhere between a compact and a broadsheet (see Guardian Considers Midsize Edition To Boost Sales).

The Independent continued to prove that size does matter with circulation inching up by 0.3% during April to 261,009 following its decision to go completely tabloid, in a move that consigned the broadsheet edition of the paper to the scrap-heap. However, the Times proved less fortunate with circulation dipping by 0.4% to 652,264 during the same period, despite its own attempt to corner the ‘commuter market’.

Meanwhile in the tabloid sector, the Daily Mirror saw circulation decline by 2.2 month on month to 1,846,734. The paper was seen in focus last month after editor, Piers Morgan, was sacked for publishing hoax pictures allegedly showing British troops abusing Iraqi prisoners.

News International’s rival Sun attempted to cash in on its rival’s misfortune by prompting one of its post boys to apply for the vacant editor’s job. However, the stunt only helped the paper to see a slight 0.4% rise in circulation to 3,360,662.

Things remained relatively quiet in the mid-market during April with Richard Desmond’s Daily Express seeing circulation dip by 0.2% month on month to 938,525. The Daily Mail also faltered with a 0.7% decline during the same period.

National Newspaper May 2004 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Apr 2004 May 2004 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 177,329 225,429 48,100 27.1
Daily Express 940,849 938,525 -2,324 -0.2
Daily Mail 2,407,392 2,423,376 15,984 0.7
Daily Mirror 1,888,145 1,846,734 -41,411 -2.2
Daily Record 498,846 499,354 508 0.1
Daily Star 902,026 883,084 -18,942 -2.1
Daily Star Sunday 521,995 521,567 -428 -0.1
Daily Telegraph 923,449 908,265 -15,184 -1.6
Financial Times 443,685 440,933 -2,752 -0.6
Guardian 381,421 389,400 7,979 2.1
Independent 260,259 261,009 750 0.3
Independent On Sunday 212,280 210,660 -1,620 -0.8
Mail On Sunday 2,394,503 2,330,949 -63,554 -2.7
News Of The World 3,829,738 3,848,611 18,873 0.5
Observer 450,119 445,943 -4,176 -0.9
People 1,033,692 1,027,502 -6,190 -0.6
Racing Post 85,443 81,820 -3,623 -4.2
Sport First (Sunday) 31,033 23,345 -7,688 -24.8
Sun 3,345,828 3,360,662 14,834 0.4
Sunday Express 932,515 952,240 19,725 2.1
Sunday Mirror 1,562,426 1,565,778 3,352 0.2
Sunday Sport 157,787 153,418 -4,369 -2.8
Sunday Telegraph 707,443 707,804 361 0.1
Sunday Times 1,391,729 1,330,743 -60,986 -4.4
Times 654,762 652,264 -2,498 -0.4
Total 26,134,694 26,029,415 -102,781 -0.4

Quality Titles

The Business was one of the only titles to see circulation increase in the six months to April. However, the title is expected to see a significant slump after the affect of its distribution deal with the Mail on Sunday tails-off. The Independent experienced an impressive 14% increase during the same period, but its Sunday sibling proved less fortunate with circulation dipping by 5.5% to 208,792.

Meanwhile, the Financial Times suffered a 4.9% year on year dip to 440,529 amid speculation that it is considering a number of changes to its UK edition as part of a concerted effort to revive its waning fortunes. The Sunday Telegraph also performed poorly in the six months to May with circulation dipping by 4.2% year on year to just over 700,000.

Quality Market Dec 03 – May 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Dec 02 – May 03 Dec 03 – May 04 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 95,790 258,078 162,288 169.4
Daily Telegraph 933,028 914,863 -18,165 -1.9
Financial Times 463,209 440,529 -22,680 -4.9
Guardian 403,580 379,115 -24,465 -6.1
Independent 222,524 253,577 31,053 14.0
Independent On Sunday 221,048 208,792 -12,256 -5.5
Observer 456,269 450,593 -5,676 -1.2
Sunday Telegraph 731,187 700,646 -30,541 -4.2
Sunday Times 1,378,930 1,364,799 -14,131 -1.0
Times 659,292 652,864 -6,428 -1.0
Total 5,564,857 5,623,856 58,999 -2.5

Mid-Market Titles

Things were also less than rosy in the mid-market with Desmond’s Daily Express declining by 1.4% year on year in the six months to May and the Sunday Express dipping by 0.7%. The Daily Mail and its Sunday sibling also saw circulation decline.

Mid Market Dec 03 – May 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Dec 02 – May 03 Dec 03 – May 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 953,576 940,492 -13,084 -1.4
Daily Mail 2,436,651 2,421,411 -15,240 -0.6
Mail On Sunday 2,363,926 2,358,459 -5,467 -0.2
Sunday Express 940,938 934,587 -6,351 -0.7
Total 6,695,091 6,654,949 -40,142 -0.6

Popular Titles

Richard Desmond’s Daily Star was the only tabloid title to see any upward movement in the six months to May. The down-market red-top saw circulation rise by a solid 5.4% year on year to 887,859. At the other end of the scale Sport First suffered a hefty 16.4% decline during the same period to 26,403. Trinity Mirror’s People also fared poorly with circulation dropping by 7.9% year on year to 1,035,760.

Popular Market Dec 03 – May 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Nov Dec 02 – May 03 Dec 03 – May 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 2,004,873 1,893,801 -111,072 -5.5
Daily Record 517,943 495,463 -22,480 -4.3
Daily Star 842,744 887,859 45,115 5.4
Daily Star Sunday 466,623 509,118 n/a n/a
News Of The World 3,870,839 3,834,728 -36,111 -0.9
People 1,123,999 1,035,760 -88,239 -7.9
Racing Post 82,996 81,039 -1,957 -2.4
Sport First 31,572 26,403 -5,169 -16.4
Sun 3,515,788 3,352,644 -163,144 -4.6
Sunday Mirror 1,634,734 1,595,075 -39,659 -2.4
Sunday Sport 180,415 164,241 -16,174 -9.0
Total 14,272,526 13,876,131 -396,395 -2.8

Metro Titles

Associated Newspapers’ Metro titles continued to perform strongly with their overall certified distribution rising by 3.2% year on year during May to 914,285. The morning free-sheet recently further extended its reach with the launch of a Newcatle edition.

Associated Newspaper’s Metro: May 03 – May 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title May-03 May-04 Actual Change % Change
Metro (LondonMetro) 447,672 472,681 25,009 5.6
Metro (Metro North East) 52,617 53,883 1,266 2.4
Metro (MetroMidlands) 84,212 85,229 1,017 1.2
Metro (MetroScot) 117,446 117,176 -270 -0.2
Metro (MetroYorkshire) 74,491 75,358 -867 1.2
Metro (NorthWest) 109,703 109,958 255 0.2
Total Metro 886,141 914,285 28,144 3.2
NB: Monthly data has been used here as six monthy data are currently unavailable

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