
JCDecaux Revenues Up And Further Increases Expected This Year

JCDecaux Revenues Up And Further Increases Expected This Year

Revenues for Europe’s largest outdoor advertiser, JCDecaux, rose by 1.7% in Q1 2004 to €358.9 million and the group expects organic growth for 2004 to reach up to 5%.

The largest organic growth of 3.4% to €96.4 million was experienced by the billboard division but street furniture still has the biggest market share of €197.5 million after a rise of 2.8%. Transport was up by 2.1% to €65 million.

The European advertising market as whole is showing signs of recovery says JCDecaux. With advertising revenues virtually flat in Germany and up in France. Austria and Portugal saw a solid revenue increase, as did the UK and The Netherlands who saw double digit organic revenue growth.

In the United States, organic revenues were also up in double digits and in Asia-Pacific, organic revenues continued to increase.

Jean-Francois Decaux, chairman and co-ceo said: “Our first quarter performance is in line with our expectations. We expect stronger organic revenue growth in the second quarter of 2004, as demand remains solid in the United States and in Asia Pacific and improves in Europe, particularly in Germany. For the full year we expect group organic revenue growth of 3% to 5% leading to further improvement in profitability.”

JCDecaux: 020 7298 8000 www.jcdecaux.co.uk

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