
Half Of UK Homes Ready For Digital Switchover

Half Of UK Homes Ready For Digital Switchover

Nearly half of all UK Households now receive digital television and are prepared for the Government’s plan to switch of the existing analogue signal by the end of the decade, according to new research carried out by Ipsos-RSL.

The research highlights the continued popularity of Freeview, which has pushed digital television penetration up by 7% since September 2003. This was largely due to a rise in sales of the digital terrestrial service in the run up to Christmas, with more than 200,000 set top boxes being sold during December alone (see Freeview Sales Soar In Run Up To Christmas).

Ipsos claims that Freeview now accounts for almost a third of the UK’s digital television market and has been hugely successful in converting older viewers. However, the research also serves to reinforce the findings of a study by the Department for Trade and Industry, which shows that a staggering 50% of UK viewers are still opposed to the Government’s plan to switch-off analogue television signal (see Government’s Digital Switch-Off Plan Alienates Viewers).

It has been claimed that the majority of digital refuseniks are more concerned with the quality of channels on offer and the proliferation of low budget programming rather than the technical wherewithals of the digital switchover. A study by the Generics Group published in January claimed that there is a hard core of anti-digital households, accounting for 6% of the population that say they will never buy digital equipment, even if it means having to stop watching television altogether (see Government Faces Backlash Against Analogue Switch-Off).

Earlier this month Ofcom chief executive, Stephen Carter, called on the Government to confirm a date for analogue switch off and warned of problems caused by increasing uncertainty and confusion among viewers. He stated that the market alone could achieve somewhere between 75-80% penetration but, unaided, it will then stall.

Ofcom’s recommendation is that the Government clearly define its digital switchover strategy and produce a clear commitment from all the key parties involved. The media watchdog is also calling for the creation of an autonomous body which will oversee the smooth transition from analogue to digital (see Ofcom Chief Calls For Confirmed Digital Switchover Date).

Ipsos-RSL: 0208 861 8000 www.ipsos.com

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