
Welcome To MediaTel.co.uk’s New Look NewsLine

Welcome To MediaTel.co.uk’s New Look NewsLine

Newsline Re-designed as part of the new look MediaTel.co.uk, NewsLine continues to bring you the latest in media news, comment and analysis through a new, streamlined interface and refined news index.

As part of the new look, the Data Reports section on the left hand side of the screen classifies our content by media in easily navigable subject areas. All the usual data analysis remains, covering TV; Press and Radio, including NRS, ABC, BARB and RAJAR breakdowns to supplement the data you can find in MediaTel.co.uk’s extensive databases.

Don’t forget, you can also find the Data Diary, listing publication dates for all major data releases, on the right hand side, as well as our free weekly e-mail bulletins.

Over the coming months NewsLine will feature more comment and analysis articles, on issues prevalent to today’s media landscape. If you would like to contribute as a weekly columnist, or simply with a feature or story idea, feel free to contact the news team with your suggestions or contributions.

MediaTel Group: 0207 439 7575 www.mediatelgroup.co.uk

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