
Downward Trend Continues In National Newspapers

Downward Trend Continues In National Newspapers

Newspapers Daily Market

Britain’s daily newspaper market continued the downward trend seen in previous months with the sector as a whole losing 3.97% of sales year on year.

The Guardian saw the biggest circulation loss, dipping by 7.0% year on year, making it the largest loser in the quality titles division.

The Daily Telegraph, retained its position as the market leader for the quality newspaper division, and with the Independent, and Times both reporting increases in circulation, this sector was the only one which saw newspaper sales rise.

Meanwhile, the Sun dropped 3.5% year on year in circulation, losing over 100,000 readers, the popular newspaper still remains the nation’s favourite daily, commanding an audience of over 3,230,000.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – June 2005
Daily Titles Jun-04 Jun-05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 906,098 903,772 -2,326 -0.3
Financial Times 427,203 425,984 -1,219 -0.3
Guardian 388,584 361,408 -27,176 -7.0
Independent 261,575 262,124 549 0.2
Times 661,330 683,495 22,165 3.4
Mid Market        
Daily Express 957,876 893,184 -64,692 -6.8
Daily Mail 2,405,499 2,350,012 -55,487 -2.3
Daily Mirror 1,833,980 1,742,378 -91,602 -5.0
Daily Record 491,685 462,472 -29,213 -5.9
Daily Star 890,810 855,612 -35,198 -4.0
Sun 3,348,320 3,230,652 -117,668 -3.5
Total Daily 9,928,170 9,534,310 -393,860 -3.97

Quality Daily Titles

The Times once again put in the best performance in the quality daily titles sector, rising by 3.4% year on year to reach sales of 683,495. The Independent also increased, albeit by just 0.2% for the same period.

Elsewhere, the Financial Times and Daily Telegraph both lost 0.3%, while the Guardian dropped the most dramatically, dropping by 7.0% year on year.

Mid Market Daily Titles

The Mid Market saw similar declines, with the Daily Mail losing 2.3% of its circulation year on year taking it’s total sales down to 2,350,012. The Daily Express also performed poorly, shedding 6.8% of its circulation over the same period.

Popular Daily Titles

The nation’s tabloid publications followed the depression seen throughout the market, with the Daily Star and Daily Mirror dropping by 4.0% and 5.0% respectively. The Sun followed the decline, losing 3.5% year on year, but retaining its position as Britain’s favourite daily title.

Sunday Market

The Sunday newspaper market was similarly depressed, dropping 4.4% in circulation overall, with all titles losing sales year on year.

The Daily Star Sunday was the worst hit in the sector, declining by a massive 15.9% and losing almost 80,000 sales. Overall, the popular newspapers saw the greatest dip in circulation figures year on year, however the mid market was hit by a 7% decline in circulation for the Sunday Express, taking its circulation down to 931,608.

The Sunday Times saw the smallest decline in the quality titles, dropping by just 1.4% year on year, compared to the Observer which was the biggest loser in the sector with a 4.1% year on year drop in sales.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – June 2005
Sunday Titles Jun-04 Jun-05 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 210,015 206,007 -4,008 -1.9
Observer 460,239 441,187 -19,052 -4.1
Sunday Times 1,344,326 1,325,292 -19,034 -1.4
Sunday Telegraph 697,655 674,531 -23,124 -3.3
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,273,213 2,253,480 -19,733 -0.9
Sunday Express 1,002,145 931,608 -70,537 -7.0
Daily Star Sunday. 500,461 420,905 -79,556 -15.9
News Of The World 3,735,839 3,563,073 -172,766 -4.6
People 1,004,480 913,618 -90,862 -9.0
Sunday Mirror 1,524,560 1,485,485 -39,075 -2.6
Total Sunday 11,228,373 10,729,701 -498,672 -4.4

Quality Sunday Titles

All newspapers in the quality Sunday titles division lost circulation, with the Observer citing the biggest loss, down 4.1% to command a circulation of 441,187, making it the nation’s lowest selling Sunday broad-sheet.

The Sunday Telegraph saw a 3.3% downturn in sales, pushing its total to 674,531, while the Independent on Sunday lost 1.9% for the same period.

The Sunday Times retained its position as Britain’s favoured Sunday paper, despite losing 1.4% year on year and bringing its circulation down to 1,325,292.

Mid Market Sunday Titles

The downwards trend continued into the mid market sector, with both the Mail on Sunday and the Sunday Express losing 0.9% and 7.0% respectively. The titles now command circulations of 2,253,480 and 931,608 respectively.

Popular Sunday Titles

The Daily Star Sunday saw the biggest drop in sales, losing a massive 16.9% drop, pushing its total down to 420,905 from almost half a million a year ago.

Meanwhile, the People lost 9.0% of its circulation to total 913,618, while market-leading News of the World retained its position in the top spot during June, despite a sales drop of 4.6%.

Elsewhere, the Sunday Mirror lost 2.6% year on year and now commands a circulation of 1,485,485.

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