
DAB Penetration To Reach 50% Of Households

DAB Penetration To Reach 50% Of Households

DRDB Logo DAB set penetration is on track to top 50% of UK households by 2010, according to figures released by the DRDB (Digital Radio Development Bureau).

In its annual forecast, the DRDB says sales in 2006 will be around the two million mark, delivering a household penetration of 13.9% by the end of the year. Furthermore, this is expected to rise to more than 40% by 2009, and top 50% in 2010.

The DRDB says that with the launch this month of the first mobile phone able to receive DAB stations, the Virgin Mobile Lobster 700, a new path to DAB reception could emerge.

There is already a range of combined DAB/MP3 players available, and this market is likely to double by Christmas. In addition, later this year the first MP3 docking stations with DAB digital radio inside are expected in stores.

The DRDB adds that this year, retailers such as Marks & Spencer and Tesco have had a big impact on DAB sales, and an announcement from Dixons Stores Group International that it would no longer stock analogue radios in its on-line store, was a significant step towards the de-ranging of non-digital radio.

In the automobile sector, BMW is the latest manufacturer to start offering DAB digital radio across their 3 series, 5 series, 6 and 7 series range of cars with immediate effect.

Ian Dickens, DRDB chief executive, said: “With a DAB radio, listeners can receive around twice the stations they can on an analogue radio and this is proving to be a big plus. As DAB chips appear in converging technologies such as mobile phones and MP3 players, and we see new DAB stations launching over the coming months, we expect this attraction to grow, presenting a healthy future for the UK’s radio industry.

“Over the past four years, we have seen a dramatic rise in the number of DAB digital radio sets available to consumers and there are now around 300 different models available from all the leading consumer electronic brands.

“Having established a firm product base in the traditional radio market, our aim is to ensure DAB digital radio is also available across a broader range of devices as digital convergence continues. To meet these needs, DAB digital radio must be included in new multi purpose devices and the good news is that the first such products are already hitting the streets.”

The DRDB released figures in August showing that almost 14% of the UK adult population has a DAB digital radio in the home and 23% of owners have more than one (see Repeat Purchasing Of DAB Radios On The Increase).

DRDB: 020 7306 2630 www.drdb.org

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