
Big Brother Golden Ticket Draw Not Fixed

Big Brother Golden Ticket Draw Not Fixed

Big Brother Logo The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has cleared Endemol, Nestle and Channel 4 of fixing the Big Brother golden ticket promotion, although it has criticised them for the way in which it was carried out.

The golden ticket promotion to find a member of the public to enter the house (see Big Brother Seeks Contestants Through Wonka-esque Promo) was subject to much speculation that it might have been fixed (see ASA To Investigate BB Golden Ticket ‘Fix’).

The ASA investigated whether the draw was made in accordance with the laws of chance and if it had been made under the supervision of an independent observer.

Nestle, Channel 4 and Endemol supplied a combined response to the ASA’s investigation.

The three that said an independent observer from the Electoral Reform Services (ERS) had checked the number on each ball before it was placed in the lottery machine.

They sent film footage of the Big Brother garden covering some of the period before and during the draw and testimonials from staff members who had observed the events.

However, the ERS observer was not allowed to be physically present during the draw, because the rules of the show do not allow any outsiders to come into contact with the housemates.

The companies pointed out though that the live draw took place in the presence of ten housemates, was continuously monitored by the production team and was watched live by more than five million viewers.

In its assessment of the complaints, the ASA said that the testimonials and slow motion footage satisfied it that the draw had been conducted in accordance with the laws of chance.

However, the ASA upheld complaints that an independent observer was not present throughout the entire process of the draw, and particularly when the winning ball was drawn.

ASA: 020 7580 5555 www.asa.org.uk Channel Four: 020 7396 4444 www.channel4.com

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