
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: October 2007

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: October 2007

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The latest ABC figures for the main national daily newspapers reveal that circulations suffered an overall decline of 1.1% for October.

The only Quality national daily title not to suffer a slump in circulation was the Financial Times, which posted a year on year increase of more than 2%.

The Mid-Market titles remained relatively static year on year, as did the Daily Star in the Popular daily sector.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – October 2007
Daily Titles Oct-06 Oct-07 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 900,043 882,413 -17,630 -2.0
Financial Times 439,774 449,385 9,611 2.2
Guardian 384,701 364,513 -20,188 -5.2
Independent 257,427 240,134 -17,293 -6.7
Times 656,278 642,895 -13,383 -2.0
Mid Market        
Daily Express 788,719 789,867 1,148 0.1
Daily Mail 2,350,730 2,353,807 3,077 0.1
Daily Mirror 1,600,452 1,525,477 -74,975 -4.7
Daily Record 420,054 401,959 -18,095 -4.3
Daily Star 770,834 771,197 363 0.0
Sun 3,107,412 3,126,866 19,454 0.6
Total Daily 11,676,424 11,548,513 -127,911 -1.1

Quality Daily Titles

The only title in the Quality sector to enjoy a year on year increase in circulation was the Financial Times, up by 2.2% year on year.

The Daily Telegraph and the Times were both down by 2% year on year, leaving their circulations at around 17,600 and almost 13,400 respectively.

The Guardian‘s circulation fell by more than 5% year on year, to almost 20,200.

The largest percentage decline in the Quality daily sector was suffered by the Independent, down just over 6.5% year on year, to nearly 17,300.

Mid-Market Daily Titles

The Mid-Market dailies stayed relatively static year on year, with the Daily Express adding around 1,100 copies and the Daily Mail adding almost 3,100.

Their circulations now stand at around 790,000 and 2.4 million respectively.

Popular Daily Titles

In the Popular sector, the Daily Star also remained static year on year, with its circulation resting at around 771,200.

The largest fall in real-terms in the sector was felt by the Daily Mirror, which shed almost 75,000 copies year on year, although its total remains impressive at over 1.5 million copies.

The Daily Record’s total now stands at just under 402,000, following a year on year fall of nearly 4.5%.

The Sun enjoyed a modest percentage increase for October, up by 0.6% year on year, leaving its total at over 3.1 million.

In October, the Sun became the first UK national newspaper to launch a .mobi web site with content made specifically for mobiles, giving readers access to the paper from any mobile phone or device that can access mobile internet services (see The Sun Launches Mobile Website).

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday national newspaper market suffered a 2.3% decline for October, a real term decline of almost 271,100.

The Daily Star Sunday added the most copies to its total of any Sunday national title, with a year on year rise of 12.3%.

Both Mid-Market Sunday titles suffered a year on year fall, with the Sunday Express down by 9.5%.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – October 2007
Sunday Titles Oct-06 Oct-07 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 230,184 210,922 -19,262 -8.4
Observer 486,471 487,216 745 0.2
Sunday Times 1,287,099 1,274,400 -12,699 -1.0
Sunday Telegraph 668,633 651,499 -17,134 -2.6
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,405,901 2,378,916 -26,985 -1.1
Sunday Express 792,003 716,656 -75,347 -9.5
Daily Star Sunday. 397,667 446,482 48,815 12.3
News Of The World 3,445,459 3,351,827 -93,632 -2.7
People 789,042 696,091 -92,951 -11.8
Sunday Mirror 1,375,820 1,393,184 17,364 1.3
Total Sunday 11,878,279 11,607,193 -271,086 -2.3

Quality Sunday Titles

The only title in the Quality sector not to post a year on year downturn was the Observer, which remained relatively static. Its circulation rests at more than 487,200.

The largest percentage fall in the Quality Sunday sector was suffered by the Independent On Sunday, down 8.4% year on year to more than 210,900.

The Sunday Times shed 12,700 copies year on year, leaving it with a total of almost 1.3 million.

The Sunday Telegraph‘s circulation now stands at around 651,500 after a year on year fall of around 2.5%.

Mid-Market Sunday Titles

In the Mid-Market Sunday sector, the Sunday Express recorded a decline of more than 75,300 copies year on year, whilst the Mail On Sunday shed around 27,000 copies over the same period.

The Sunday Express now has a circulation of almost 716,700, whilst the Mail On Sunday boasts a total of almost 2.4 million.

Popular Sunday Titles

In the Popular Sunday sector, the People‘s circulation dropped below 700,000 after a year on year fall of nearly 12%.

The News Of The World was also down year on year, by 2.7% to almost 3.4 million copies.

It was not all bad news however, with the Daily Star Sunday enjoying a very healthy increase, of almost 12.5% year on year, taking its total to just under 446,500.

The Sunday Mirror also posted a year on year increase, and after a 1.3% rise, it now has a circulation of around 1.4 million copies.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2007 – Oct 2007
Daily Titles May 06 – Oct 06 May 07 – Oct 07 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 899,764 889,491 -10,273 -1.1
Financial Times 433,945 440,335 6,390 1.5
Guardian 378,533 364,275 -14,258 -3.8
Independent 254,404 242,685 -11,719 -4.6
Times 667,311 640,682 -26,629 -4.0
Mid Market        
Daily Express 826,925 793,924 -33,001 -4.0
Daily Mail 2,376,913 2,342,613 -34,300 -1.4
Daily Mirror 1,637,673 1,563,023 -74,650 -4.6
Daily Record 429,881 407,407 -22,474 -5.2
Daily Star 798,121 798,024 -97 -0.0
Sun 3,176,202 3,124,134 -52,068 -1.6
Total Daily 11,879,672 11,606,593 -273,079 -2.30
National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2007 – Oct 2007
Sunday Titles May 06 – Oct 06 May 07 – Oct 07 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 222,668 218,882 -3,786 -1.7
Observer 462,469 458,613 -3,856 -0.8
Sunday Times 1,315,571 1,211,973 -103,598 -7.9
Sunday Telegraph 660,817 647,118 -13,699 -2.1
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,320,375 2,316,997 -3,378 -0.1
Sunday Express 816,850 747,468 -69,382 -8.5
Daily Star Sunday. 404,205 444,815 40,610 10.0
News Of The World 3,494,381 3,333,002 -161,379 -4.6
People 828,005 727,248 -100,757 -12.2
Sunday Mirror 1,440,197 1,415,957 -24,240 -1.7

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