
Classic FM Gets Predicted Results

Classic FM Gets Predicted Results

As predicted earlier this week, RAJAR’s independently researched audience figures, released today, have revealed that Classic FM has attracted 4.3m listeners per week since its launch in September, with over 50% of that audience being in the ABC1 range. This accounts for almost 8% of all commercial radio listening and over 9% of the total UK population.

Commenting on the results at a press conference this morning Nigel Reeve, the station’s sales and marketing director, said: “They (figures) reveal that Classic FM has now positioned itself as a major new advertising medium and confirm that there is an increasing demand for our product – quality national radio air time”.

Agencies are also positive about Classic’s success, with media director at Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, Paul Gummer, saying; “I think Classic FM has found an important niche – listeners who are interested in classical music but not in the Radio 3 rarified sense. With its distinct up-market bias and complementary audience to that of ILR the station is certainly of interest to a number of our clients”.

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