
thelondonpaper Remains Ahead Of London Lite

thelondonpaper Remains Ahead Of London Lite

Man Reading A Paper thelondonpaper stayed ahead of its competitor, the London Lite, in March, recording a period on period circulation increase of more than 8,000 or 1.6%.

The London Lite, meanwhile, recorded a very slight period on period decrease of 0.1%, giving it a total circulation figure of over 400,200. thelondonpaper‘s circulation rests at around 502,000.

The Evening Standard‘s circulation stayed relatively static month on month, with the title’s ABC figure now standing at around 266,600.

The morning papers City AM and Metro both saw circulation growth in March, with the business title’s circulation rising by 2.1% month on month, to give it a total of around 97,000, whilst the Metro (London) increased almost 1% month on month.

Title Audit Feb-07 Mar-07 Actual Change PoP % Change PoP
Morning Papers          
City AM BDP 95,053 97,032 1,979 2.1
Metro (London) BDP 542,844 547,180 4,336 0.8
Evening Papers          
Evening Standard (London) ABC 266,037 266,575 538 0.2
London Lite BDP 400,780 400,212 -568 -0.1
thelondonpaper BDP 494,127 502,158 8,031 1.6
Total London Papers   1,160,944 1,168,945 8,001 0.7

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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